Sinai Festival Sounds Committee: Dr. Claire Bushong Cindi Lamprecht Scott Flanagan Gary Overfield
2024 -25 Concert Series Mark your calendars for another Sinai Festival Sounds season! This year we will be offering two programs that preview two major festivals of the liturgical year.
On Sunday, November 24, 2024 at 3:00pm we hosted harpist Melissa Schuerman in a program of varied music including some Christmas favorites. An added feature of this program was a display of Christmas quilts by several local quilters.
Dr. Paul Barnes, Marguerite Scribante Professor of Music at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Glenn Korff School of Music, will play a piano recital on Sunday, March 23, 2025 at 3:00pm. Click here for a printable poster
Sinai Festival Sounds brings artistic performances to Sinai and the wider community free of charge. Freewill donations are accepted. A reception follows each program.
Paul Barnes, pianist and chanter, will conclude the 2024-25 Sinai Festival Sounds Season on Sunday, March 23, 3pm.
Toward Re-Enchantment: Works Inspired by Greek, Arabic, Hebrew, and Native American Chant This unique program by Greek Orthodox chanter and UNL professor of piano Paul Barnes will feature works inspired by Native American, Greek, Arabic, and Hebrew chant. It reveals through its music a mystical and enchanted world filled with divine love as its foundation. The Orthodox chant features hymns from the birth, crucifixion, and resurrection of Christ beginning with creation and ending with our destiny in union with Christ. The recital will feature composers Ron Warren, J.A.C Redford, N. Lincoln Hanks, and Victoria Bond. Barnes’ latest commission, Hristos anesti by N. Lincoln Hanks was premiered in February at Pepperdine University and is based on the Greek and Arabic Orthodox resurrection hymn Christ is Risen!
Sinai Lutheran Church welcomes, challenges, and nurtures disciples to serve the church and love God s world.
Sunday Worship Schedule Sunday Worship 8:00 AM 10:30 AM Summer Worship 9:00 AM Christian Ed. Hour 9:15 AM Sunday School, Fellowship Middle, High School and Adult Forums Confirmation - Wed 6:30 pm Office Hours M|T|W|Th 9AM - 12PM 1-3PM F 9AM -12PM