Upcoming Events...
We worship at 8:00am and 10:30am from Sunday after Labor Day to Sunday
before Memorial Day weekend. Education classes are held between worship
from 9:15-10:15am.

Weekly bulletins are emailed to members and for those who would like to
receive a copy. Please contact the office if you would like to be on the
mailing list.

The Living Lutheran is a magazine of the ELCA and their subscriptions are sent via
email. Contact Emily in the office if you would like to be added to their regular email.

A copy of a manuscript written by Sinai Pastor Theodore Johnson (1947-1954) about
his First Love of Sinai has been shared by his daughter and is in the narthex for you
to read. If you take the copy home, just bring it back for others to enjoy.

The food pantry collection basket will offer a change in recipient from month to
month. The items needed are typically the same, but we will collect for LifeHouse
pantry in November, Midland’s cupboard in December, and continue then every
other month. Any pantry or non-perishable items accepted and a special list is
posted on the bulletin board for the Cupboard.

Offering Card - We now have Offering Cards on our credence table as we enter the
sanctuary, along with the bread and wine for Communion, as well as, our Offering
Plates. These are all items that are brought forward to the altar for blessing after our
offerings have been collected in worship in preparation for Communion.
    The Offering Cards are for those who have already given their offering
electronically, or monthly, quarterly or annually. The card allows these members to
place the Offering Card in the plate at the time of Offering in our order of service as an
act of worship.  We simply want everyone to be able to participate in this act of
worship each time that we gather.

     Always Being Made New
    The recollection of the Protestant Reformation 500 years ago call to mind major
transformations in human history. Christ’s death and Luther’s nailing of the 95 Theses on
the Castle Church door in Wittenburg radically transformed people’s understanding of
their relationship to God and to each other.
    We experience our own transformations throughout our lives. Events or people totally
alter how we think about ourselves, how we think about God, or understand our purpose
in life. Sometimes we are transformed in a moment or sometimes it happens over time.
Whether the process is short or long, we are made new. And this process happens again
and again.
    To celebrate the larger changes of the church, we invite you to share a story of personal
transformation. Who or what helped you get a different perspective of your loss/sadness/ill
health/hard time? Who or what helped you get a different perspective on your calling in
life? Who or what helped you accept something you didn’t want to? Who or what gave you
the strength to change something?    Please send your story to Lisa Kramme via email
lisakramme@yahoo.com <mailto:lisakramme@yahoo.com>, or give a copy to Lisa or
Keith at Sinai.

A story of transformation for the Sinai Lutheran Church series,
“Always Being Made New.”

Setting a New Course
A story of transformation (or what I did over the summer)

“What are ya gonna be doin’ five years from now?”
   “I don’t know.”
“That’s just it, man, you don’t know! What if you want to be doin’ something
besides this?  You won’t be able to.”

Haymon Moore or just “Mo” gave it to me straight in the cramped quarters of the
officers’ galley aboard the U.S.S. Portage, a patrol craft escort, during a training
cruise on the Great Lakes in the summer of 1961. The small ship swayed on the
swells of Lake Michigan while Mo and I did our best to juggle plates and dishes,
setting the table in the officers’ wardroom.

Mo had been a Navy cook for 24 years starting back when being a cook was
one of the few job ratings open to black sailors. Now as a petty officer second
class, he had two chevrons with an eagle on his left sleeve and a row of hash
marks down the forearm indicating his years of service. Now he was a cook up in
officers’ country rather than down on the enlisted men’s mess decks.

For my part that summer, I had finished a dismal junior year in high school and
decided I wasn’t going back. It had been a mutual parting of the ways between
Washington High officialdom and me. They didn’t want me, and I didn’t want
them. It was time to get on with my life and see the world on active duty come fall
rather than spend another year marking time in school, staring at the stupid clock
in Study Hall. A sign below the clock read, “Time will pass, will you?” I guess it
was supposed to scare bored students like me into actually studying instead of
daydreaming or passing notes to each other. Me? I didn’t care anymore. 

Shortly after being assigned to the Portage’s officers’ galley, Mo had asked me if
I was still in school. I said no hoping he’d change the subject. I just kept looking
down while I swabbed the galley deck.

“Why’d ya quit?”

I never told him I quit. I just said I wasn’t in school any more. How’d he know?
Was it written on my forehead or something? Reluctantly I told him the whole
pathetic story of my life as a high school drop-out: boredom and poor class
performance; daydreams of travel to places with strange and wonderful names
and high sea adventure; frustrated teachers, stern school administrators, and
despairing parents. A year earlier a couple of friends and I had joined the Naval
Reserve, hoping to insert a little excitement into our hum-drum lives while waiting
it out in school for what was supposed to be graduation. But why wait?
Everybody it seemed had an answer to that question, but none of them mattered
to me. Until Mo.

Mo told me about his life of poverty and struggle in Alabama and then two
decades of menial service during both war and peace in the Navy. Only after
many years did he get to where he was now. He spoke of perseverance and
belief in a better life one day for his children. His advice to me and everyone he
met was, “Keep smilin’, ” which he repeated frequently the whole time I worked
for him in the galley. I guess that’s what got him through all his pain and hardship.
I went back to high school at the end of that summer (although not to Washington
High) and graduated. Almost exactly five years after I had served with Mo on the
Portage, I was a student at Valparaiso University on a pre-seminary track. I
remembered Mo’s question to me five years before, “What are ya gonna to be
doin’ five years from now?” Here I was now because Mo, like the angel who
wrestled with Jacob at the crossing of the Jabbok River,* would not let go of me
until he sent me limping in a new direction. Somehow Mo had reached me where
others had failed. Perhaps it was because of the mercy he showed to a naive
white kid who had the luxury of turning his back on opportunities that had been
denied to Mo because of the color of his skin. 

Later in seminary I wrote to the Bureau of Naval Personnel to find Mo. The BNP
reply said he had retired from the Navy and moved back to Alabama. I wrote to
him to thank him for changing the course of my life. Sometime later he wrote back
saying he remembered me and wondered how things had turned out. He included
more words of encouragement, good wishes, and even thanks of his own. I still
have his letter, and I think about him every now and then, and when I do, I
gratefully practice without the slightest effort the advice he wrote once again in his
letter: “Keep smilin’.”

*Genesis 32:22-25
Pr. Jim Melang

Additional Why Sinai Stories from Pastors and Interns of Sinai

Why Sinai? It was a package deal. When I became Campus Pastor at
Midland in 1999, the Associate Pastor position at Sinai came along with it. I
retired from Midland in ’09 and from Sinai in ’12. Why do I remain at Sinai
now that I’m retired? It’s still a package deal even though my relationship to
Sinai has changed. This is the whole Sinai package I still get: authentic
worship; honest music; genuine community; ministry with integrity; mission
that faces the world; vital connections to the wider church and to our
Christian partners in other communions; curiosity seeking understanding
about other faith traditions; and finally, a faith-borne confidence which is
unafraid of the future, but entrusts whatever is to come to the
risen Lord Jesus.
This is what keeps me at Sinai. As I said, it’s a package deal.
The Rev. James P. Melang    

“Sometimes you want to go where everybody knows your name.”
That was the theme song of our year at Sinai.
Walking down Logan Street to my first day of internship at Sinai, I heard
someone cry, “Hey Brian! Brian Maas!” I turned to face a smiling stranger.
Roger Harris, assuming there couldn’t be too many other people walking the
neighborhood in a clerical collar, had taken a chance, called my name, and
welcomed me to Sinai.
It was the first of many such welcomes for both Debbie and me. Pastor
Hoffman’s commandment, “You will call people by name at Communion,”
ensured that such recognition would become mutual. Some of the names
have faded in the last quarter century, but the sense of belonging never will.
“I have called you by name, you are mine.” Isaiah proclaimed it. Cheers
sang it. Sinai lived it. We learned it, and remain ever grateful. 
Bishop Brian Maas

Why Sinai?  The reasons are too numerous to mention, of course.  After
living and serving with all y’all for nearly 15 years you have given me more
reasons than I can begin to count. With the exception of my birth family,
Sinai is the most formative community of which I have ever been a part.
Why Sinai?  Because God is present and at work among you.  How do I
know?  One example stands out.  The day had come for us to vote on the
renovation plan for our sanctuary.  It had been a hopeful, and even exciting
process.  Changes would be made to our Sunday assembly that would
enrich our experience of what it means to be church, the people of God
But it had been a painful process too.  You don’t mess with a sanctuary that
had served a community well for 50 years without causing pain.  The
beautiful triptych that hung above the altar would give way to a strange
looking cross that looked like a plus-sign and a curious “water window” from
Chicago.  Rudy Carlson’s father’s handcrafted altar railing would have to go. 
What would the church be like without red carpeting?
The vote was close.  Just over the necessary two-thirds voted in favor.  I
was hoping for a better number, a MUCH better number.  When dealing with
important family matters you want more consensus, more unity of purpose. 
I was feeling nervous.  Perhaps we should table the idea, postpone the
project until we could achieve a stronger vote of confidence.
But then we voted on the financing.  A quarter million dollar price-tag on a
project which, apparently, a third of the membership didn’t want.  A tall order. 
I was stunned by the result:  Over 90% voted in favor!  What?  What is this? 
What on earth just happened here?
Yes, God is present and at work in this church.  Only God can move people
who disagree sharply over a profound family matter to overcome that
disagreement in order to move ahead together.  That’s Sinai.  That’s the
character of this church, a character born of the Spirit of God.  And I count
myself very fortunate to have shared in it. Rev. Michael Ostrom

One of my earliest memories of Sinai goes all the way back to when I was
still in the call process. As I met with the call committee to gain a clear
understanding of who we are as a community of faith, there were three
things that stood out for me.  I saw Sinai to be a place where worship and
music were highly valued and were gifts that the congregation possessed.
The other two things that stood out for me were that the members of Sinai
genuinely loved their congregation, and they cared for each other. Even
more importantly to me, I saw that love and care was not reserved just for
the people inside the congregation.
For myself, I believe that relationship is the foundation upon which
everything else that a church is and does is built. I quickly came to believe
that Sinai was a place where this was reality, and quite honestly, if we have
these three things: we are well fed by worship and music, we are
passionately connected in community, and we are moved to care for
anyone and everyone; then everything else is just details. Well fed and
directed by God through worship and community, we can figure out
everything else together.
This is what drew me to Sinai, and it is what continues to make my days full
of meaning and joy!
Pastor Al Duminy

I was privileged to serve as Interim Pastor for a year about 20 years ago. It
didn’t take long to realize that Sinai’s members were happy people who
loved God, the church and each other! One member, Frieda Johnson,
typified that spirit by hugging everyone around, whether one needed it or
not. The support of each member for each other was evidenced most
clearly in how anyone with a health problem was surrounded by acts of help
and love.  For Sinai members, Sunday morning was the focal point of
congregational life. There was a strong emphasis on authentic Lutheran
worship, including a high standard of church music, and the contributions of
excellent choral and hand bell choirs.
  Solid Christian Education programs were also fostered. I recall especially
the dedicated leadership of Superintendent Deb Riley and the many years
of loyal teaching of Ann Knippelmeir. I taught confirmation class of 16
students, who made my work easier by their attitudes and cooperation.
They also formed a confirmation choir, a rare phenomenon in a
  Some Sinai members were active in community projects such as Habitat
for Humanity -- Loren Nothwehr among them. The Spirit of Christ was
present in all the above ways, and more. Pastor Harold Schmidt

When Bishop Dennis Anderson and I first began to communicate about the
possibility of becoming a candidate for the ministry among you I began to
wonder, “Who names a congregation Sinai?”  I thought to myself, this place
must be heavy on the law.
What I soon came to find out was nothing could have been further from the
truth.  From the first telephone interview with the call committee in the fall of
1988 until the final farewell in June of 1996, my family and I experienced this
community of faith as one that both drew and drank deeply from the well of
the Gospel of Jesus.
From its careful attention to worship to its community outreach, from its
nurture of children in the faith to its care for the aging in theirs, and to every
generation in between, Sinai and its people have always been a people who
have said not only in words but also in the way they live their lives:  you are
a beloved child of God.
Pastor Paul Hoffman
February1989 to June 1996
What's your Story?
Sinai members, past interns and pastors helped with a story sharing project that is a part of Sinai's 125th anniversary year. Stories have been printed in a bulletin during this year, posted on the Sinai website and on Sinai's facebook page so that people can read these stories and learn more about our congregregation. A booklet with stories from the 100th year in 1991 along with these Why Sinai stories are available for pick up to take home with you to read!
Sinai is small enough to nudge me out of my comfort zone to serve in new ways, small enough that I can remember whether I saw a fellow member in our church.  And I know that others will care if I'm not in church on a Sunday.  Sinai is a place where I can watch people as they go to communion and know important pieces of their faith stories. Or, when I assist with communion, I could (If I didn't fear forgetting someone!) say each communicants's name. Those who come together at the corner of 8th and Pebble are my family. As in any family, some are closer than others, but everyone is a tangible reminder that we are all part of God's family on earth. Gary Overfield

We came to Sinai in 1970 because we knew the pastor, and the church was adjacent to the campus of Midland Lutheran College, where Ron was to begin teaching.  We have come to love the people of Sinai and consider them a big part of our family.Elmer and Freda Johnson, Paul and Dolores Watson, Rudy and Glennice Carlson and Dale and Ruth Lund were among the first who graciously accepted us, made us feel welcome and provided guidance as we became involved in service to Sinai and the community.  Through serving on Church Council, teaching Sunday School, singing in the choir (yes, Ron sang in the choir for a time), and serving on Evangelism Committee, Worship and Music Committee, Altar Guild, and ELCW, we felt at home.Although I had been brought up as a Southern Baptist, the Lutheran liturgical service drew me into a place in worship which I had never experienced.  I soon began using my talents to contribute to worship by directing Cherub Choir, Junior Choir, Senior Choir (not all at the same time), and ultimately Bell Choir.  I am always honored when I am asked to play my violin or viola.  I have even been known to attempt to play my recorder under Gary Overfield’s leadership.  Sinai feels like family to us.  While our two sons live far away, we feel truly loved by this body of people called Sinai and look forward to the years to come. 
Alice Johnson
Sinai is a place that makes me feel like I belong.  Since the first day our family walked through the doors looking for a new church to attend, the members made us feel right at home and like family.  It was easily one of the deciding factors for us in deciding to join the church. I had never taken part in any church service, other than to attend, before my family came to Sinai. Now my whole family has had the opportunity to be part of worship, and it has helped us all build a stronger relationship with each other, the congregation and God. Sinai has certainly been an important part of building our children's faith and providing them with the opportunity to see the importance of faith in our lives. I am proud to be part of Sinai's congregation and look forward to continuing to build relationships with our church family.       Chris Bogenreif

Sinai is a place that can mean many things for so many people. What it means to me? I feel relaxed when I’m at Sinai. I feel like I can be myself and have honest opinions about things without being judged. There are places that, if I said that about these places, I wouldn’t be telling the truth. Sinai is a place where people come to worship God without second-guessing themselves. Everybody should want to feel good. Where at other places, other public places, you feel like you need to act differently in order to fit in. Nobody should have to act a certain way or say certain things just to feel good about themselves to fit in. I never feel that I have to do these things and that’s what Sinai means to me. It’s a place where you feel good. Haley Bogenreif

In the past few years, Joe Fuhr has taken to hugging every single person in church on a given Sunday. Sometimes he does it during Communion when people are standing in line waiting to receive the body and blood of Christ. One Sunday he got a little carried away and the whole line was clogged up and Communion took a little longer that day. If anyone has consumed and become the love of Christ, it’s beautiful Joe Fuhr.
One Sunday, Ethan Bogenreif and his mother Kristin were standing in line in the aisle waiting for Communion. Ethan had worn his Sunday trousers and had forgotten his belt. Behind him, his mother periodically hoisted up his trousers that kept inching their way down. Then Ethan saw Joe Fuhr sitting in the pew on the other side of the aisle. Ethan crossed the aisle and hugged Joe. Ethan lost track of his trousers a little bit, and the Communion line was disrupted, and his mother was biting her lip because she really wanted to return the trousers back to a higher position. For me this was an exquisite portrait of Christ’s love, carried on through Joe Fuhr: a hug so enthusiastic that it disrupts the regular order and is so much more important than trousers inching down. Nearby, a loving mother, another agent of Christ, worries about falling trousers.   
Jeanne Kocher

As a parent representative for Stretch (Confirmation) and leader of Middle School Forum, Sinai has blessed me with many gifts. These opportunities have opened my heart, mind, and body to a new way of teaching God's Word. No longer is religious education just instructional classroom work. It is a way to be active in class, church, and community through sharing our daily lives with each other so that we may build relationships with God and Christ's Community.
One of my favorite activities during this time is "Highs and Lows."  This is where everyone gets the opportunity to share something positive and negative in their lives over the past week. It is a great tool for people to begin sharing their lives and building a relationship with each other.
I thank God for providing me this Faith Foundation and the people of Sinai that brought forth all these wonderful opportunities.
God's blessings and peace!!  Aaron Wulf

When I moved to Fremont 10 years ago, I was looking for a smaller church that I could become a part of.  I was drawn to Sinai due to the people that greeted me from the first day I visited and seemed to genuinely care about me.  I was also interested in music being such an important part of worship and I found that at Sinai.  When I first joined, special music was held at both services and I appreciated this and hope that more special music can be incorporated into both services again in the future.  I think that being a part of the Sinai community has helped me grow in my faith by participating in worship, bible studies and helping out whenever I am able to use the gifts that God has given me.      Gail Barth

I think Sinai is a wonderful place because the congregation is very kind and caring and the people around me feel like family. There is Sunday School and all the teachers are very kind.  They teach something new and exciting every week.  There is also a Sinai Singers group that sings about stories in the Bible. I love to hear the adult choir.  Every so often they have a bell choir that plays bells and chimes. Sinai has helped my family through really tough times and they always make me feel good when I am sad or don't feel good about myself.  Our Pastor is one of the kindest people you might ever meet. I like how in the middle of the service he will tell a nice story that is related to the Bible and it always touches my heart. Those are the reasons I love Sinai.                               Ethan Bogenreif

Eunice and I joined Sinai in September 1959.  Sinai was then the Swedish Lutheran Church in Fremont.  Howard Youngblum was Pastor at that time.  Some years later, a member of Sinai came to me at the bank requesting a loan of $1000.  He was a mechanic at the Mav Auto Repair Shop, which was closed. He had a job with an auto shop in Omaha, but he needed help providing transportation to Omaha. I had to tell him I could not get his loan past the bank loan committee.
The next Sunday, something hit me from the sermon that maybe there was something Sinai could do.  We were a twelve member Council.  I gathered them together and explained the situation.  Ron Johnson was a member of the Council, and he said that he was going to visit the Lutheran Credit Union in Omaha and see if they could help.  He reported back that the Union would make the loan if ten board members would each buy a $100 certificate and pledge it toward loan.  Ten members said, “Yes.”  So Leroy and I visited the family for their approval, which they gave.  So the money was collected and Ron took it from there.
A couple of years later, I was in Omaha and checked with the Credit Union to see how the loan was doing. They said the loan had been refinanced, and his credit was OK.  The certificates were no longer needed.  Some were redeemed.  I suggested they write others and say their certificates were no longer needed and could be redeemed at their convenience.
A great Council, as have been many others.    Joe Fuhr

To me the words "church family" was always just something churches used as a welcoming tool. Soon after joining Sinai it became apparent that these words would take on a deeper meaning. We are an actual family with all the blessings, problems, and heartaches that any family experiences.  I love that I have people who are so special to me ranging from 2 to 92. We don't always agree with or even sometimes like each other but accept and respect members in and through various situations.  As in any family, we all have different interests and gifts and Sinai offers needs and opportunities for each of us to serve and be fulfilled.  I am so grateful to have found a place where I can sing, love and learn with small children, and enhance my life with "forever friends"....FAMILY....    Ann Knippelmeir

I have to confess that I grew up privileged!  I was blessed to be placed in the most wonderful Christian family, in the most beautiful small white country church, in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by loving grandparents, parents, aunts, uncles, cousins, . . . you get the picture, . . .  where from my earliest memories I felt safe and nurtured in the teachings of Jesus.  From those early lessons, and with the visual history of early Christians with shows like the “Bible AD,”    I realize that for many followers of Jesus thousands of years ago and today, fear was and is a daily part of life.  For them to draw half of the symbol for a fish in the sand, and then have a stranger finish that symbol must have given them instant security.  Every follower of Christ should be privileged like I have been,  and  now Sinai completes my" FISH," and I know that, gathered in his name with friends and family here,  I can still enter and be moved by song, prayer, and communion in a secure, safe, loving place.  Vickie Ruether

What's in a name? Immanuel-First-Bethany-Grace-Sinai
These are the churches that have guided me through my faith journey.  Each one has stretched my mind with Bible study, music, caring friends and showing care for others.  When our family came to Fremont, Nebraska, we were welcomed into Sinai.  We were excited to find a congregation caring not only for its members but for Habitat, Care Corps, Low Income Ministry and many other places. Truly…Our “Lives are under construction,” and Sinai is the place to be!    Ruth Lund

I was married to Roger on October 12, 1957.  Of course Roger was born and raised at Sinai.  He was a member for 75 ½ years before he passed away on 12-15-13.  I joined Sinai after we were married.  Our two daughters were both baptized and confirmed at Sinai.  Roger’s grandparents were married here in 1907.  His parents were married here on September 14, 1934. 
I have had a good history with Sinai and made a lot of friends.  The choir has made my time great.  I have been a choir member for only 33 or 34 years. They are my family.  With the help of all of my friends at Sinai and Pastor Al, I have been able to make it without my wonderful husband Roger.  Thank you, Sinai!    Shirley Lundstrom

Why Sinai?
Because Sinai is more than our church; it is our family.
44 years ago, I found a teaching job in Fremont, and Jim was in the army for four more months.
It was my job to find a church home for us.
I grew up in Blair with one big Lutheran church, so I thought another big church would be like home.
I went there first, but it was really big and no one even said hello.
My co-teacher Dori Nelson invited me to Sinai, so I went.
The choir was so amazing, I thought you probably had to try out to get in it!
And everyone was SOOOOO friendly; I felt so welcome!!
I joined the choir (didn’t have to try out!).
Sinai became our family.
We try to make new visitors and members
feel as welcomed as we did.
Sinai IS a special place!    Annette Holtam

Following graduation from high school in 2003, I was fortunate to go to my second ELCA Youth Gathering, in Atlanta, Georgia, that year. While at the hotel, I had the opportunity to visit with a pastor and a youth leader from Fremont, Nebraska, where that fall I would be attending college.  I didn’t think much of the visit at the time. Little did I know how God was working in my life at that moment.
Later that summer, I received mail from Midland with a form from Sinai Lutheran Church informing me about a “Home-away-from-Home” program for out-of-state students to be paired with a family from Sinai to help with the student’s first-year transition. So I decided I would sign up, as this would be the first time I had ever not been near my family.
We met our host families the first week of orientation at a party in the Sinai fellowship hall. As I was visiting with my host parents, Lu Ann and Gary Ehmcke, I kept thinking, “This lady seems really familiar to me.” As it turned out, it was Lu Ann and Pastor Mike Ostrom whom I had met in the hotel in Atlanta! My life has been richly blessed by having Gary and Lu Ann, as well as the many other members of Sinai Lutheran Church, whom I count as family in my life.                Scott Flanagan

I remember 20 plus years ago when our family of six was looking for a new church home. We were making weekly visits to various churches in town, sometimes more than once. We had friends that belonged to Sinai at that time and they urged us to visit. So, between our other visits, we attended that little church by Midland College. We continued to visit other churches as well, but found ourselves being drawn back to Sinai more than others. I remember the warm, friendly, inviting feeling, as well as the beautiful music, and feeling spiritually fed. It wasn’t long before we were attending regularly, and even getting involved in activities, and then finally becoming a full-fledged member. One of our biggest fears in leaving the church we had belonged to for so many years was leaving our dear friends of many years. Thankfully, we still have many of those friends, but have also been blessed beyond measure with friends and acquaintances at Sinai. I feel truly grateful to be a member of a church that fills my life with so many blessings.       Sandy Reimnitz

Why Sinai?  Well, it’s my family’s church quite simply.  My question would be, “Why do I attend every week?”  I often find myself considering staying home on any given Sunday morning.  But something always pulls me to Sinai.  (It might be Diane!)  At Sinai, I witness countless numbers of members who give so much of themselves to our church family, as well as to our community.  Being at church reminds me that my life is not about me, but it’s about being a disciple of Christ.  See you next week.  I might be fishing today.  Ron Harpster

Why Sinai?  Indeed, that is the question Evan and I asked each other in 1967.   Prior to our marriage we attended another LCA church and had indicated our desire to become members there.    Sinai entered our lives via a gentle knock on our door.    Standing there was our upstairs neighbor with a welcoming smile, a plate of cookies, and our wedding write-up.  She noted that since we were married in an Augustana Lutheran Church, she wanted to invite us to her “Swedish” Lutheran church, Sinai.  Additionally, she related that she had taken the liberty of asking her minister to call on us!     Within the week the pastor rang our doorbell.  So, what could we do other than be polite and visit Sinai one time? Sinai’s hearty “Välkommen” convinced us to stay!  Thanks, Clara, for your invite.  You were right-Sinai is the perfect church for us!          Evan and Carolyn Nordstrom

Last Sunday was as normal as any other.  I sat in the back of the sanctuary, participating in the service, but letting my mind wander sometimes as it is prone to do.  During the offering, the choir sang its anthem.  Pastor Al poured wine into the chalice for communion.  All of a sudden, popping up two rows ahead was four-year-old Hazel.  She stood on her grandma’s lap, arms flung upward in the biggest V she could muster.  It seemed as though Hazel couldn’t contain her enthusiasm for Jesus any longer.
A friend lamented recently that a problem with worship in many congregations is that we go not expecting anything out of the ordinary.  As a recovering alcoholic, he said that the primary difference between Alcoholics Anonymous meetings and worship services is that people expect the extraordinary at AA.
Today I am grateful to Hazel and to a community like Sinai where I can expect God to show up in extraordinary ways. 
Lisa Kramme

Memories of Sinai
When I was a child, Sinai sponsored a smorgasbord, a community-wide fundraiser.  Approaching the “huge” Fremont City Auditorium, I could feel anticipation for what would be
beyond the doors.  This well attended event was held from 1951 to 1961 with the money used to furnish the new church on Pebble Street.  My grandparents, George and Esther Nelson, helped to spearhead this one evening event. 
According to newspaper articles 750 to 900 people were served the feast.  Adults paid $2.00 each to attend with children under 12 paying $1.00 each.  The smorgasbord was held from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. with two seatings.  The persons who had second seating tickets were escorted to the auditorium bleacher seats to await their turn.  As a child I waited impatiently in my seat, mouth watering, peering down at the two three-tiered tables, one on the left and one on the right of the auditorium.  The tables were heavy laden with food from appetizers to desserts; and oh how I loved Grandma’s Swedish spritz cookies. 
150 parishoners from one small church prepared and served 900 people in a three-hour evening, working together to build and sustain a church.  Just as Sinai members worship and look after each other as a family.
I remember my Grandma Nelson’s anticipation of the annual community-wide Smorgasbord, a very Swedish event that took months to prepare for. My grandma, Esther Nelson, along with 150 members of Sinai (men, women and children), prepared and served the feast.
The special Swedish Potato Sausage (Potatiskorv) was made in Grandma Nelson’s small kitchen where Esther Erickson and Elsie Eckerson ground the meat (beef and pork) with cooked potatoes, onions, salt, pepper and a “little bit of allspice”. Theslippery casings, soaking in a kettle of water, were ready to hold this very tasty treat. How, you may ask, does the meat/potato mixture “get into” the slippery casings? After removing a length of slippery casing from the water Elsie got the job of “blowing out” each length of slippery casing and placing it on the end of the sausage stuffing machine. Elsie then placed the meat mixture into the hopper of the machine, turned the handle and, miraculously, the meat moved into the slippery casing. Grandma with Esther’s help tied off a length of stuffed casing with string and quickly placed it into the freezer in the basement awaiting the day of the big feast.
More to come from: Jan Ostransky

Our children have always been our greatest concern and at first Diane and I were looking for someplace for our youngest to be confirmed. But we also were looking for a warm and welcoming environment, where people come to worship together as a family. We found that family at Sinai. It is difficult to explain, but we came to realize that the members of Sinai weren’t just people trying to do what God wants them to do. You are all people whose smiles are genuine, whose love and caring comes through with everything you do. You walk the walk. None of us are perfect, of course, but Sinai is a place where you don’t just see Christ at work, you can feel it in the warm smiles, the friendly greetings and the genuine concern of its membership. I feel the love and I want everyone to know that I love you all in return.  Why Sinai? You, that’s why. God Bless you all, and thank you all. 
Paul Peterson

We chose Sinai as our church home because we were immediately impressed with its friendly atmosphere and the feeling of being at home. Sinai reminded me of my church growing up in Wausa, NE. Although Thabor Lutheran had a membership of 400-500, it had the personal touch and family feel that we recognized at Sinai. I had the church as my babysitter quite often as my mother was the organist and choir director-my hours crawling under the pews or pretending to be the preacher gave me the feeling of being at ease with all that occurs within the church. Yet, far more than what one experiences within the building itself, the loving support of the people of the congregation brings to life the true meaning of a worshiping community. This helped me in my formative years, and became the same experience for me and my family as we grew to know Sinai from 1982 onward.
After visiting several congregations, Sinai stood out with its traditions (many Swedish, of course), its use and love of music, and its people who opened their arms to us and our young family. This nurturing support for us all, both then and now, became influential in our faith and family life. I hope and pray that Sinai can continue to be a comfort and focal point in the lives of many other families. I am thankful for what Sinai and her people have meant to me and look forward to many new experiences in “shaping disciples to serve”.                    Milo Anderson

Eunice and I joined Sinai because “Sinai was similar to the Swedish congregation Eunice grew up with at the Lutheran Church in Bristol, Nebraska. It was like going back home.”
The first Sunday we attended Sinai, Elmer and Freda Johnson visited us that afternoon. Again it was like going back home.      Joe Fuhr

I joined Sinai by being baptized at the church on 1st and Pebble by Pastor C.O. Gulleen on December 11, 1932. I believe we still use the same font today. Then later was confirmed still at that church. Married at the church on 8th and Pebble in October of 1953 by Pastor Theodore Johnson. But my family has a long history at Sinai. According to my Great Grandmother, Christine Johannesson Landeen’s obituary, she was a charter member of Sinai. She was born in Sweden, married there and came to the US with her husband in 1991. She was a Christian woman, always active in Sinai, which she helped found. They had six sons and daughters- one daughter was my Grandmother Freda Landen Pearson. Someone dropped one “e” out of the last name. According to family tree, their name was originally Johnson-changed to Landen and on the obit was Landin. I don’t know which is right. My Grandmother Freda Landen Pearson was member of the first confirmation class at Sinai. My parents were members until moving to California in 1953. I also remember Elmarie Sandal having to push pedals with her feet while playing the organ.Just a little of my history…Beverly Weiman Yost

When I started looking for a church I visited Sinai and knew that I had found the place I wanted to attend and to join. The choir became an important part of my life. It was in singing with the Sinai Choir that I found a special community of love and caring. When I told the choir about my former students on Rosebud Indian Reservation and that they needed more hats and gloves the choir collected THREE large garbage bags of items for me to take to the students. They donated enough hats and gloves to make sure every student at the elementary school had a brand new hat and pair of gloves. I was overwhelmed by their generosity and caring! When I felt the call the go to seminary the choir rejoiced with me and supported me in the process. I am beyond thankful for the community that surrounded me with love and reminded me that I am a Child of God. Whenever I come home to Sinai I still get those feelings. It truly is a worshiping community founded in the love of Christ and welcoming all who enter its doors. I thank God for Sinai Lutheran Church every day.  Halcyon Bjornstad

It's difficult to imagine my life outside of the context of this community of faith at Sinai.  Ron and I came to Sinai as a young family and were welcomed, encouraged and supported immediately and well.  I have been inspired by others here, challenged to use God's gifts to me, and fed in so many ways.  Deep and rich friendships have formed through our almost 32 years of membership here.  Worship at Sinai strengthens and sustains me in the challenges of daily life.  I continue to know that God's abundant love surrounds us all through the gifts of this congregation and pray that those who God brings into our midst today experience that same welcome and encouragement.  Diane Harpster

Sinai Lutheran Church  |  950 E. 8th St.  |  Fremont, NE  68025  |  402.721.1665  |  sinailutheranfremontne@gmail.com
Pastor Al Duminy

© Sinai Lutheran Church 2010, All Rights Reserved
  Sinai Lutheran Church
Sinai Lutheran Church welcomes, challenges, and nurtures disciples to serve the church and love God s world.
Sunday Worship Schedule
Sunday Worship                 8:00 AM
                                               10:30 AM
Summer Worship              9:00 AM
Christian Ed. Hour              9:15 AM
     Sunday School, Fellowship
     Middle, High School and Adult
Confirmation - Wed 6:30 pm  
Office Hours
M|T|W|Th     9AM - 12PM  1-3PM
F                         9AM  -12PM

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